Wednesday 6 March 2013

Up and running

On the personal side...

Another ankle injury - that was very depressing and almost made me stop. But thanks to my physio, friends and a good brace I pressed on.
Bronchitis - still sufferring a little with that. Can tell my breathing isn't as 'clean' as it could be. Lost 2 months of training.
Work - that never stops and the traveling also messes up the best laid training plans
Races - I did complete the Cape Summer Trail Series. Just. And I have entered the Two Oceans Trail Run, all 22km of it along Table Mountain

On the technical side...

Route planning - I have looked at many, many sites for effective trail route planning. After I let go of the idea of have a 'one site must do them all' strategy I have settled on Walk Jog Run. Really easy to use, great tools, combination of maps, satellite and earth views, logical searching, groups etc. I plan to review it in more detail in a later post.

Run journal - I dabble with other sites but I keep coming back to RunningAhead. I have made some progress on my comparison of journal sites and plan to update that as well.

See you on the trails.

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