Wednesday 16 May 2012

Nutrition: Rungry and thirstrail!?

I have never given much thought to nutrition in my other sporting endeavours. Following my last Slow Long Run I was forced too, this is what happened .... Sunday morning came and I decided to up my distance length from 12km to 13km - which doesn't seem like much. However, at that stage I wasn't to know that the new course I would tackle for my 13km trail run also had about 700m of cumulative climb in it.
This pushed my average HR to 159 with a max of 176 (my age related max is 179) with a pace of a mere 8.10 min/km. So my LSR become a hill course.
By the time I got home and cleaned up my BP had dropped to 100 over 80 and I felt like cr@p! So I started thinking about nutrition.

Beautiful run though through the Silvermine Reserver East near Cape Town, South Africa.

I can't remember on which of the sites I was perusing I stumbled upon 'rungry' - the seemigly insatiable appetite that developes during or after running. After this hill run I coined the term (not sure if there is one already in existance) 'thirstrail'! All I wanted to do was drink fluid, any fluid. I knew that I had pushed my body out of balance. In reviewing this situation I did realise that all my other sporting endeavours (I played squash, baseball, gym, swam etc) the length of activity was approximately 60 to 90min with frequent rests - half times etc - with time to eat and drink. I was treating my trail running as a very loooooong first half. This would have to change.

I am not sure exactly how yet. But this trail running thing is a journey and now I will have to include nutrition and hydration as a integral part of that journey and learning experience.

So, what am I reading:
  • I will need to get an updated The Lore of Running by Dr Tim Noakes
  • The role of protein in my diet - (I know they are a supplier but it has elements of being a sound sceintific atricle. BTW, I am not in any way affliated to Hammer Nutrition.)
  • A nutrition formulae -
  • A 'real runners' approach to nutrition and diet -
  • Another layrunner's view -
So what is your stratergy?

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